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site version 7.3

allegory 1, anime 1, article 6, audio 2, bible 2, books 3, bug 20, code 1, commercial 1, computer 15, election 5, ereader 5, fixed 11, games 24, habits 2, hard to remember 1, history 1, keyboard shortcuts 1, links 3, memo blog 1, mini-review 12, moving 2, music 1, mysql 1, news 33, none 1869, opera 69, politics 9, quotes 1, reformat hard drive 19, sgopc 1, site update 15, site version 205, sleep 3, star wars 2, story 4, swtor 1, texas 1, vacation 5, video 5, website 25, windows 10 1, wishlist 3

8/31/07 admin login page is now valid.
8/31/07 Daily Bible quotes are now valid.
8/31/07 Got another admin page valid. The admin pages take longer to do because they are password protected. . .
8/31/07 "News I'm Watching" page is now valid.
8/31/07 The links pages are now valid.
8/31/07 There's only a few files left that need to be worked on; the links page, bible quotes, news and a fe. . .
8/31/07 manga reviews are now all valid as well as the list page.
8/31/07 marriage amendment archive list is now valid.
8/31/07 memo blog archives are now valid with the possible exception of the links if the entry has a link. . . .
8/30/07 anime characters list and their related articles are now valid.
8/30/07 search and search results are now valid. As well as can be expected anyway. I think the search was. . .
8/30/07 anime reviews are now all valid.
8/30/07 The anime reviews main format is valid, but I have to go through a lot of the individual files to pu. . .
8/30/07 currently at 57 errors from 79 on the anime review pages.
8/30/07 The main admin page is now valid. The admin index was probably one of the worst ones in terms of me. . .
8/30/07 My tests are done. I just took a long nap and will probably be going back to sleep soon. Till then. . .
8/30/07 One more test in a few hours :( I'll be so glad when tomorrow is over. I fixed some more style pro. . .
8/29/07 I'll work on the main page layout some more tomorrow. I'll be using hr tags. I was reading up on t. . .
8/27/07 did some more work on the layout of the mainpage anyway. It still needs some serious work in my opi. . .
8/27/07 Main page is valid again. I need to work on the cosmetics part of it still though. No more coding . . .
8/27/07 The main page is obviously not valid any more. I kinda got sloppy with my coding and broke somethin. . .
8/26/07 A few more pages are now valid. The list page of the anime and manga and the site map page for a to. . .
8/26/07 Just gotta say that there is a lot that goes into getting a site built. I think there is a completi. . .
8/26/07 more pages are now cleaned up. Gonna stop for tonight. Getting tired. I moved the todo page over . . .
8/26/07 The site is cleaning up nicely. In short several more pages now validate. Still working on it.

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