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written by: admin

Date Written: 3/28/11 Last Updated: 4/8/11

NULL is an empty value.  What constitutes an empty value is shown below:

if (is_null($a)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";
if (is_null($b)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";
if (is_null($c)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";
if (is_null($d)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";
if (is_null($e)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";
if (is_null($g)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";
if (is_null($i)){echo "NULL<br>";} else echo "NOT NULL<br>";


The first is NOT NULL, because the variable has a value of nothing.
The second is NULL because no value has been given to it yet.
The third is NOT NULL because the URI is http://www.animeviews.com/test.php?c=
The fourth is NULL because the value for d was not specified in the uri.
The fifth value is NULL because the value was unset.
The sixth value is also NULL because the value was assigned the NULL, or empty, value that $h has.
The seventh variable has a NOT NULL value, because it is set to the value of the integer "0".

Why is this important?

This has become important in determining whether a value in the database exists, especially when the value of the ID is 0.

What is the value of a non existent item from the database?

if ($a==$b)  echo"1 same<br>"; else echo"1 not same<br>";
if ($a===$b) echo"2 same<br>"; else echo"2 not same<br>";
if ($a==="") echo"3 same<br>"; else echo"3 not same<br>";
if ($a===$c) echo"4 same<br>"; else echo"4 not same<br>";
if ($b===$c) echo"5 same<br>"; else echo"5 not same<br>";
if ($b==$c)  echo"6 same<br>"; else echo"6 not same<br>";
if ($b==0)   echo"7 same<br>"; else echo"7 not same<br>";
if ($b==$d)  echo"8 same<br>"; else echo"8 not same<br>";
if ($b===$d) echo"9 same<br>"; else echo"9 not same<br>";

This produces:

1 not same
2 not same
3 not same
4 not same
5 not same
6 same
7 same
8 same
9 not same

= assign a value
== compare two values
=== compare values and datatypes.  

For example with $a=="0"; you are saying the variable $a has the value of the character 0 as opposed to the number 0.  To give $a the value of the number or integer 0 you need to remove the quotes.

see also http://www.php.net/manual/en/types.comparisons.php

TAGS: php
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