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site version 7.3
pt1 midterm
written by: admin

Date Written: 4/16/07 Last Updated: 6/2/10

1) What can do to help patient compliance? set goals

2) What is meant by the threshold phenomenon? The point of tissue failure

3) What are the components of diagnosis (kibler) Tissue overload complex, Diagnosis,

4) Define each component of the diagnosis.

5) Type of treatment should depend on what?

6) What are the stages of healing?

7) Define stages of healing.

8) Why is it important to limit inflammation? To prevent further tissue damage

9) PRICE protect, rest, ice, compression, elevate

10) What are the goals of repair?

11) What effects the realignment of collagen? Tension

12) What is the effect of tension on connective tissue? realigns collegen fibers

13) What is the process to bring a patient to rehab department? Blue sheet, know what is on the blue sheet.

14) Difference between having a patient come to rehab for an evaluation vs treatment.


15) Body planes. Sagital, frontal, transverse

16) Muscle classification terms. Prime Mover, antagonist, and Synergist.

17) COG, line of gravity, base of support (define and give examples).

Base of support –– Area of contact between the body and the supporting surface

18) Balance, stability, torque, rotation.

19) How can you change exercise by using these terms in 17 and 18.

20) Laws of motion, levers.

21) Know where mechanical advantage is with different levers.

22) Know tissue loading graphs.

23) General guidelines to lifting.

24) Motor unit, summation.

25) Differentiate muscle fiber types.

Slide #4

26) Define, SV, Cardiac output, V02Max.

27) Know what happens to V02, SV BP with exercise.

28) EPOC and oxygen deficit.

29) Be familiar with lactate threshold and when it occurs.

30) How can u change your lactate threshold and what is responsible for this?

31) Ways to monitor lactate threshold.

32) What is anaerobic threshold?

33) Physiologic changes with exercise.

34) Effect of low 02 and low PH on proteoglycans.

35) Factors decreasing blood to disc.

36) Is Glucose or oxygen more important for cell viability?

37) Balance between what determines final density of cell viability.

38) What is the effect of nicotine on the disc?

39) Nicotine has what effect on vessels near disc?

40) What is lift capacity?

41) What 2 things independently contribute to lift capacity?

42) What is a ParQ?

43) Risk factors for exercise.

44) Signs of cardiovascular disease.

45) Differentiate Low to high risk patients ACSM.

46) List some submax tests.

47) Calculate a target heart rate, moderate vs vigorous.

Slide #5

48) What is the key to muscular growth?

49) Explain the strength velocity graph.

50) Hypertrophy vs hyperplasia.

51) What can help prevent protein breakdown after exercise?

52) What are factors that contribute to initial strength gains with exercise?

53) SAID, FIT.

54) What is the initial goal of rehab programs?

55) Contraction types.

56) Physiologic overflow.

57) Improving technique of leg press.

58) What is DaMS?

59) Define work, power.

60) Understand plyometrics and phases.

61) Examples of proprioceptive progression.

62) Open vs closed chain.

63) Cycles in periodization.

64) Symptoms of overtraining.

65) Effects of detraining.

Begin: Pregnancy and Exercise slide

66) Concerns with pregnancy and exercise.

67) Contraindications for exercise and pregnancy.

68) What to use for exercise intensity.

69) Recommendations for exercise during pregnancy.

70) Reasons to discontinue exercise in pregnancy.

71) Benefits of exercise during pregnancy.

TAGS: medical
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