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site version 7.3
Title and days since last updated.

An introduction to web based languages 4132 days ago.
arrows 3438 days ago.
create rounded corners 4495 days ago.
Cross Browser Compatible Rounded Corners (Css) 4517 days ago.
CSS –– CSS Browser Compatibility 3397 days ago.
CSS –– custom borders 5755 days ago.
CSS –– layout links 3007 days ago.
CSS –– Property values 5322 days ago.
CSS –– Textarea Customization 1042 days ago.
Example Fonts 3112 days ago.
Fonts 4415 days ago.
Horizontally and Vertically center an image 4534 days ago.
How to display code 1491 days ago.
HTML –– color codes: links 3310 days ago.
HTML and CSS –– fluid textarea 5330 days ago.
Standards Compliance 5384 days ago.

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