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PHP -- image processing -- part 3

Date Posted: 9/26/09

Summary: PHP -- image processing -- part 3

In part 3 of PHP's image processing capabilities I begin to look at processing images from scratch as opposed to modifying images in parts 1 and 2.  I removed the in progress tag even though the article is still relatively small yet.

Update: 9/27/09 I added another example application for transparent images making a total of 4 for one topic.  I hope to add gradient images to PHP -- Image Processing -- part 3 soon.  I want to generate a rainbow and fade effect for a given color.  I can see that creating a gradient fade effect is not feasible at present, but it is an interesting idea, eh?  I want to add image flip as well.

I added a short example script for flipping an image using ImageMagick as well as some useful resources for seeing if ImageMagick is used by your website host and some sample scripts to help you get started.

Considering how popular ImageMagick is I figured there would be better info out there on the subject as well as some more sample scripts.  Ah, well.  That is one of the primary reasons I created these webdesign articles.

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