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218 4/27/13 France, New Zealand, and Uruguay vote to redefine marriage This was a big month for redefining ma . . .
217 3/28/13 Oral arguments before the U.S. Supreme Court on Prop.8 and DOMA Tuesday and Wednesday, 3/26/13 and 3 . . .
216 3/24/13 PHP –– Time I added a small snippet for displaying results that are less than 10 days old. I . . .
215 2/2/13 OPERA –– Tips Not a major update, but added a direct link for downloading older versions of O . . .
214 12/30/12 MySQL –– Using phpMyAdmin to backup your database Completely rewritten with more current info . . .
213 12/28/12 Tweaks –– XP An important note was added for changing the text size. Reverting to classic . . .
212 12/21/12 Appling V. Doyle update Just when I think the news section will be bare for the holidays in comes . . .
211 12/8/12 Prop.8 Update Prop. 8 will be considered by the U.S. Supreme Court.
210 11/27/12 Bash Back! update Here is a timeline for the News section chronicling the events related to the m . . .
209 9/17/12 PHP –– Image Processing –– part 5: ImageMagick Added an example of creating bold text on . . .
208 9/10/12 PHP –– Image Processing –– part 4: Working With Text I added two new examples. One for e . . .
207 8/24/12 Bible Verses on Homosexuality Did Jesus himself speak on homosexuality? Sort of. He says that m . . .
206 7/22/12 Tweaks –– WMP11 Added a tip for using operators in the Library and how to search by attribute . . .
205 7/16/12 Toggle windows hardware using devcon This article demonstrates how to begin using the microsoft u . . .
204 5/30/12 Tweaks –– WMP11 Added a Quick Tip for finding the number of files in your WMP11 library.

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