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Added two brief news posts on the war in Israel as the war enters another year.


Texas Border Wall

12/28/24: Federal court judge Judge Drew Tipton orders Biden admin to stop selling off the border wall parts that were designated to be used to build the Trump style border wall.  

Texas Border Wall

Added recent ruling by the fifth circuit court of appeals which rules that the federal government may not cut the razor wire that Texas has and is installing along its border with Texas.  This is a major ruling that has been playing out in the courts for over a year now and looks to be over now.  

Texas Border Wall

Texas has completed 46.7 miles of Trump style border wall and is not on target to complete 100 by the end of 2026.

Update 11/4/26: I misspoke earlier.  Currently it is around 25 miles per year and not 50 as I stated earlier.  Ideally, the completion rate will increase as time goes by.

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memo blog


12/8/24 11:42pm Sunday
The war in Israel has been going on for nearly 420 days and does not look to be ending anytime soon according to Lt. Col. Peter Lerner.  The war in Gaza cannot end until Hamas is eradicated and all of the 101 remaining hostages are returned dead or alive.

At the center of the war in the Gaza Strip is Iran who funds, promotes, and supports the annihilation of Israel.

TAGS: news

11/7/24 11:13pm Thursday
I've been listening to a couple of monologues regarding how terrible it is that Trump won the presidency and when you listen you can hear how hopeless they are.  It is like they just found out that they are literally going to hell and that there is no hope of changing their fate and it starts on January 6.

For Conservatives, if someone we felt was just as bad as the Democrats think Trump is, just as bad got into office, we would prepare for the worst, but it would in no way be the end of the world because we have hope and faith in the true God of the Bible.

TAGS: none

11/7/24 9:28am Thursday

Jimmy Kimmel brings up a lot of reasons why they are upset about a Trump win.  He's wrong, but it gives a window into the misinformed liberal mind.

Take "women's rights" as his first and prime example.  He says it was a terrible night for women as in women's rights.  Liberals believe in the right to abortion and believe that Republican's only want to subjugate women into second class citizens and turn them into chattel by using what they believe is Conservatives false belief or lie that an unborn child in the womb is a living baby.

This understanding is just so delusional that it is hard to know where to begin to correct this misunderstanding, but we do know where to begin.  Show them an actual picture or even a drawing, if presented by a trusted authority on the issue like an abortionist or OB/GYN doctor, of the baby in the womb and explain what actually happens during an abortion and how common it is and you will have a lifelong pro-life activist.  This info is out there everywhere, but liberals close their eyes to other positions.  Closing their eyes to other positions just makes their arguments and debate skills weaker and weaker and makes liberals easier to control.

His views on these issues as well as his understanding of Conservative views are so far from reality that to bridge the gulf between us looks almost insurmountable.  Look at the next issue he mentions while skipping over the children issue, because that is so vague as to what he is getting at.

"terrible night... for the hundreds of thousands of hard working immigrants who make this country go"  Conservatives/Republicans believe that we are all immigrants to this country. Jimmy is referring to the 25+ Million (not hundreds of thousands) illegal aliens who are in this that are criminals and have no intention of becoming US citizens, who are largely violent criminals who seek to live off the state and take jobs from those who have worked hard to enter legally.  He believes that the other side is motivated by nothing more than racism and ignorance.

TAGS: none

memo blog

9/6/24 7:31pm Thursday
Assurance of Salvation

A Christian is one who believes in Christ as Lord and Savior.  It is through no accomplishment on the Christians part that they have received Jesus as their Savior. It is the Holy Spirit that has regenerated the heart.

The believer or Christian may wonder if their faith is a saving faith, for, after all, even demons believe and are still damned. Saving faith has a regenerative quality in that the believer was once dead and only lived for and cared for this life and the flesh, but now love God and live for Him and want to be like Him and desire to put to death the idolatry of the world and the flesh.

When one looks to God and loves the Kingdom of God, the pleasures of this world pale to nothingness in comparison. To have assurance of faith one must focus more and more on God. This is done through meditation on God and good and honorable and noble things.  This is done by expressing your heart to God.  This is done by reading the Bible with a desire to communicate with God and to be more like what God wants us to be.

Christians struggle against sin while accepting that Christ has already paid the price for sin and welcome God's sanctifying us in this life and look forward to being redeemed with Christ both at the end of this life and at His return in judgement and Glory.

Greater Freedom from sin occurs as we focus more on God and his Kingdom. The more we do that, the more we will Love God.

But I still sin and on purpose!

You are still a Christian if you struggle against sin, hate your sin, take pains to put to death your sin, turn away from your sin, turn instead to Christ, and confess your sin to God.

But I still take pleasure in sin!

Well, yes, that's why Christians still sin.  Remember that you hate your sin and hate that you take pleasure in sin.  The pleasure that you take in sin is the desire of your old nature.  Rejoice in your struggle against sin as it is an indication that the Holy Spirit is within you fighting against your old nature.  In the times that you do experience success in a battle against sin, you can praise God and thank Him for your victory!  The Christian with Saving Faith desires forgiveness from sin to have a right standing with Christ and to fight against sin with renewed strength.

There are Christians in Hell

Jesus said that there are those who think they are Christian, but who will be unpleasantly surprised when Jesus returns in glory.  Since we are to strive to enter through the narrow gate and work out our salvation with fear and trembling I want to look at the photo-negative of the true Christian or, to be more direct, I want to look at examples spoken of in Scripture of those who truly believe they are Christian, profess to be Christian, and live the Christian life, but to whom God will say "depart from me, I never knew you."

21 "Not everyone who says to me, "Lord, Lord," will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. 22 On that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?' 23 And then will I declare to them, 'I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.'

Matthew 7:21-23

The Christian who does not have saving faith desires forgiveness so that he can enjoy sin guilt free.  

TAGS: bible, mini-review
