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Israel continues attacks on multiple fronts

Posted: 7/4/24

Israel is currently fighting a seven-front war since October 7, 2023 and has since killed between 17,000 and 18,000 terrorists and likely many more supporters.  Nearly as many have been injured and thus put out of commission.  IDF kills 50-60 terrorists per day and dozens of buildings per day as revealed in a 7/3/24 status report.

Rafah: Hamas is severely crippled and the IDF is currently engaged in a mopping up exercise of the remaining scattered fighters.  The mopping up portion of the war is expected to take some time; possibly a few years.  The mopping up part of the war involves making sure that Hamas can't reestablish themselves either by recruiting new members, establishing training grounds, importing more weapons, or building any more tunnels.

The tunnels are so extensive in Gaza that it is also estimated to take years to destroy them all.  As the IDF investigates, they are finding more tunnels all the time and destroying them faster than ever.  This only highlights how extensive the tunnel system in Gaza is.

In terms of Hamas power structure, Hamas is more powerful in the southern part of Gaza relative to the northern part of Gaza.

Yahya Sinwar: According to Hamas officials, only two or three people are aware of Sinwar's whereabouts.  Looking at past behavior, it is estimated that he is in Khan Yunis or, less likely, Rafah and is underground.

Hezbollah: Hezbollah is still a major threat and continues to fire numerous rockets towards Israel with over 200 fired on 7/4/24.  

What have we learned?

Last Updated: 7/7/24

TAGS: israel
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