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wisconsin news

12/11/18 Scott Walker's Legacy
07/12/17 Wisconsin Right to Work law upheld
08/24/16 U.S. Appeals court stays U.S. District Judge Lynn Adelman's ruling
04/08/16 Dane county judge rules Right to Work law is unconstitutional
07/20/15 Wisconsin outlaws abortions after 20th week
07/03/15 Recounts in Wisconsin must be funded by the person requesting it
05/01/15 Wisconsin Right To Work law upheld by Dane County judge
05/01/15 Teachers union membership in Wisconsin drops
03/02/15 States where same sex marriage was recently legalized
09/22/14 Wisconsin Supreme Court upholds Act 10
07/31/14 Appling v. Walker concludes
06/17/14 Marriage cases in circuit court
11/11/13 Wisconsin Supreme Court to hear arguments on Act 10 later today
10/23/13 Wisconsin Supreme Court hears Appling v. Doyle
08/22/13 Wisconsin v. Illinois: differing strategies to fixing the state buget

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