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States where same sex marriage was recently legalized

Posted: 3/2/15

All of these states overturned their marriage amendments by judicial ruling.  All were invalidated because it violated the equal protection clause of the 14th amendment or the due process clause.

*Nebraska3/2/15 U.S. District Judge Joseph Bataillon redefines marriage in that state ref
Alabama2/9/15 Alabama judge redefines marriage. ref
South Dakota1/12/15 U.S. District Judge Karen Schreier redefined marriage to include same sex marriages.  Ruling stayed pending appeal. ref
Mississippi11/26/14 U.S. District Judge Carlton Reeves overturns marriage amendment.  Ruling stayed pending appeal to the 5th circuit. ref, ref2, pdf
Montana11/19/14 U.S District Court Judge Brian Morris overturns marriage amendment. ref
Missouri11/15/14 St. Louis Circuit Judge Rex Burlison overturned Missouri's marriage amendment.  ref, pdf
South Carolina 11/12/14 U.S. District Judge Richard Gergel overturns marriage amendment. ref. U.S. Supreme Court refused to hear appeal 11/20/14 ref
West Virginia11/7/14 U.S. District Court Judge Robert C. Chambers overturns marriage amendment. ref, pdf
Wyoming11/17/14 U.S. District Judge Scott Skavdahl overturns marriage amendment.  stayed pending appeal. ref
Arizona10/16/14 U.S. District Court judge John W. Sedwick overturns marriage amendment. ref
Alaska10/12/14 Judge Timothy Burgess of the Federal District Court overturns the marriage amendment. ref
North Carolina 10/10/14 U.S. District Judge Max Cogburn overturns marriage amendment. ref
Florida7/17/14 Circuit Judge Luis M. Garcia overturns amendment in Monroe County. ref pending appeal. ref 8/4/14 Circuit judge orders same sex marriages performed in other states to be recognized in Florida ref.
Colorado7/09/14 Decision stayed pending appeal ...sort of., ref
Indiana6/25/14 ref
Wisconsin6/06/14 ref, pdf
Oregon5/20/14 ref, ref2
Pennsylvania5/20/14 Federal judge did not stay ruling. ref, ref2, Republican Gov. said he won't appeal. ref, federal judge refuses to stay ruling ref.
Idaho5/13/14 Judge Candy Dale refuses to stay ruling.  Case is being appealed ref
Arkansas5/09/14 Judge refuses to stay ruling.  Case is being appealed pdf.  Arkansas Supreme Court stays federal judge's ruling. ref 11/26/14 U.S. District Judge Kristine G. Baker overturns Arkansas marriage amendment.  Ruling stayed pending appeal to the 8th circuit. ref, pdf
Ohio4/14/14 pending appeal ref, pdf.
Tennessee3/14/14 State must recognize three same sex marriages performed in other states. ref, pdf
Michigan3/21/14 Ruling stayed pending appeal. ref, ref2, pdf
*Texas2/26/14 Ruling stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court pending appeal. ref, pdf
Kentucky2/12/14 Same sex marriages performed in other states must be recognized. ref, ruling 7/01/14 Ruling pending appeal. ref
Virginia2/14/14 Ruling stayed pending appeal. ref
Oklahoma1/15/14 Ruling stayed pending appeal. ref
Utah12/20/13 Ruling stayed by the U.S. Supreme Court pending appeal. ref

highlighted marriage amendments reinstated by circuit court ruling. ref
*colored Marriage amendment reinstated by state supreme court.

see also:

world magazine
marriage cases in circuit court
History and Recent Developments in Same-Sex Marriage Litigation Austin R. Nimocks 5/28/14

Last Updated: 11/15/16

TAGS: alabama, alaska, arizona, arkansas, colorado, idaho, indiana, kentucky, marriage, michigan, mississippi, missouri, montana, north carolina, ohio, oklahoma, oregon, pennsylvania, south carolina, table, tennessee, texas, utah, virginia, west virginia, wisconsin, wyoming
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