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site version 7.3
written by: admin

Date Written: 8/26/07 Last Updated: 12/10/24

  • Bug Private news tags are visible to the public.

    1. low add javascript and cookies to the search page to remember and also deselect all check boxes.
    2. low Add a way to merge tags and merge church and religion in the news section.
    3. low add a virtual catalog for movies and books I own.
    4. delayed Add the ability to view more or all articles and news items by date last updated.
    5. unimportant run a scan to see if images have the correct extension.
    6. unimportant Update the css for the site so that the positioning is similar to this.
    7. ignore bugged link this type of bug must be typed in manually, which is why I am giving it an ignore rating.


    • Critical Must be fixed now!  Website Security is at very high risk!
    • High An aspect of the website is broken and unusable in some way.  For example the "10 most recently updated articles" only lists 1 result or none.
    • Medium Needs to be fixed at some point, but no hurry.
    • Low Is there a typo that needs correcting?
    • Delayed Currently on hold while I ponder the need for this update or how it should best be implemented.
    • Unimportant Do this only if bored or a completionist.
    • Ignore This may look like a bug, but is working as it should.  Do not Fix!

    High and Critical items will never be listed, because I will be actively working on them .

    article ideas

    • Manipulating textarea dimensions.
    • A scroller to display line numbers.

    Articles that need updating

    • PCRE tutorial
    • Marvel links


    • low backup website. last performed 9/30/15
    • low update forums to latest version. last performed 10/4/15
    • low convert database to latest format. last performed 9/30/15

    TAGS: website, bugs
  • copyright 2005–2024