Opera Internal Pages
written by: admin
Date Written: 3/27/15
Last Updated: 10/11/20
opera:about display version # and see the credits.
opera:activity beta and developer. lists open tabs in that browser only.
opera:bookmark-importer imports bookmarks from local file.
opera:bookmarks view your synced bookmarks.
opera:browserjs not sure.
opera:config same as opera:settings.
opera:downloads List of files in Opera's download folder.
opera:extensions extensions management page.
opera:flags Allows you to turn on experimental functionality.
opera:gpu Video card usage and workarounds that may be used.
opera:histograms not sure
opera:history history. different layout coming soon.
opera:invalidations used in Opera Developer. Seems to have to do with sync.
opera:media-internals not sure.
opera:net-internals not sure.
opera:plugins lists plugins like pdf viewer, Java, flash, etc.
opera:profiler not sure.
opera:remote-debug beta and developer. not sure.
opera:serviceworker-internals not sure.
opera:settings/startup allows you to set the start page.
opera:settings Allows for configuration of the browser.
opera:startpage goes to whatever you have set up as your start page.
opera:themes where available themes can be set.
opera:tracing not sure.
- Opera Task Manager: Shift+ESC
- Process Hacker View total Opera processing power with this tool. It is like Task Manager, but with more options and easier to read and use.
- Opera:internal pages Extension for easy access to most all of Opera's Internal Pages.
- github list of Opera internal pages.
TAGS: opera,