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site version 7.3

Friday 11:59pm

Date Posted:

Updated the available tags list for news posts, but also eliminated separating them by commas.

bug: Changelog for news posts needs to be updated to work in the same way that news articles do.

For example, the article Useful mp3 on current ADF marriage cases was originally posted on 6/13/12 and was last updated on 8/28/12 and the counter was added on 10/29/19.  If I edit the news post the date last updated and the current date will be listed, but the date originally created will not be generated.

Update 3/2/24: fixed.  Also removed commas separating "available tags" as it is no longer needed.  It probably never was needed.


TAGS: website, bug, fixed

All Memo Tags

allegory 1, anime 1, article 6, audio 2, bible 2, books 3, bug 20, code 1, commercial 1, computer 15, election 5, ereader 5, fixed 11, games 24, habits 2, hard to remember 1, history 1, keyboard shortcuts 1, links 3, memo blog 1, mini-review 12, moving 2, music 1, mysql 1, news 33, none 1869, opera 69, politics 9, private 16, quotes 1, reformat hard drive 19, sgopc 1, site update 15, site version 205, sleep 3, star wars 2, story 4, swtor 1, texas 1, vacation 5, video 5, website 25, windows 10 1, wishlist 3

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