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Title and days since last updated.

Bible Verses on Homosexuality 725 days ago.
Book Review: 2 Books on Homosexuality 4126 days ago.
Causes of same sex attraction 4126 days ago.
church denominations that approve of homosexuality 3139 days ago.
Common Attacks Against Marriage Amendments 3609 days ago.
Commonly referenced U.S. Supreme Court court cases in the same sex marriage debate 2307 days ago.
Countries with marriage amendments defining marriage as one woman and one man 3485 days ago.
Homosexuality –– Q & A 3887 days ago.
Metropolitan Community Church 2608 days ago.
prop.8 timeline 864 days ago.
Resources on homosexuality 339 days ago.
Same sex marriage in the US 2754 days ago.
Traditional Marriage Commentaries 3133 days ago.
Why Repealing Don't Ask Don't Tell is bad 4126 days ago.

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