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CAAP president equates banning chik-fil-a to racial discrimination

Posted: 8/1/12

Rev. William Owens, the president of CAAP (Coalition of African American Pastors), has spoken out recently (7/31/12) on the attempt by various city officials to ban the restaurant chik–fil–a in their city because the company president of the restaurant Dan Cathy stated that he supported the biblical definition of marriage.  Rev. William Owens said equated the recent discrimination by city officials as the same thing that happened to blacks during the civil rights movement.  ref


Although there are some striking similarities I would say that what blacks faced during the civil rights movement was more extreme and racially motivated as opposed to religiously motivated.  I also believe that the homosexual movement is certainly not the same as the civil rights movement either.  Hypothetically, if homosexuality is something you are born with it is still a behavior that can be controlled.  If it is not something that you can control then you are saying that homosexuals are always ruled by their desires or instincts, which would mean that they are no more than animals and lower ones at that.  I do not believe that is the case either.

What we have is religious discrimination contrasted with racial discrimination contrasted with sexual identity discrimination.  None of these overlap with each other as they each seem to be trying to do.  That being said, I like that this pastor is proposing that the discrimination that chik–fil–a is now facing is the same as racial discrimination, because it highlights the error of thinking that sexual identity discrimination is the same as racial discrimination.

What was Chik–Fil–A's crime?  When asked whether he supports the Biblical traditional definition of the family he said:

"We are very much supportive of the family –– the biblical definition of the family unit. We are a family–owned business, a family–led business, and we are married to our first wives. We give God thanks for that.

"We operate as a family business ... our restaurants are typically led by families; some are single. We want to do anything we possibly can to strengthen families. We are very much committed to that,"

––Dan Cathy, president of Chik Fil A

Last Updated: 8/28/12

TAGS: commentary, religious discrimination
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