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Houston's bathroom bill is defeated

Posted: 11/4/15

Houston's bathroom bill that was to add legal protections to many different groups including those that identified as another gender was defeated yesterday, 11/3/15. ref  This bill would have allowed men to be able to use women's restrooms.

The supporters of the bathroom bill claimed the social conservatives used fearmongering to sway voters.  Liberals used some familiar tactics to try to get the bill passed.  They tried to keep the public from voting on the bill.  They tried to prevent the overwhelming number of signatures gathered from being accepted by claiming most all of them were invalid.  07/24/15 the Texas Supreme Court ruled that the public must be allowed to vote on the matter ref.  Pastors had their sermons subpoenaed when they sued for the right to have their signatures recognized.

It is interesting to note the underhanded tricks the left uses to force its morals on others.  These same tactics were used extensively to push same sex marriage laws on the public.  With same sex marriage the corruption had spread to the highest levels of government.  With the Houston bathroom bill the corruption had only spread to almost the top levels of the government.  It is easy to imagine that the bathroom bill may still be forced on the people of Houston by an even higher level of authority such as the 5th Circuit or the U.S. Supreme Court.  Time will tell.

Notice also how the public of Houston voted and also that that Christians are not falling away from the faith due to all of the recent cultural changes.  I have to wonder what happens when the majority or even a very sizable portion of the public is conservative and the government is a very corrupt dictatorship bent on beating down Christian's conservative social values over a long period of time.

Note: Timeline: (work in progress)

Last Updated: 11/10/15

TAGS: bathroom bill, texas
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