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Two Competing Perspectives on the War in Israel

Posted: 12/29/24

The IDF in Israel recently completed another successful operation in Jabalya, Gaza (Northern Gaza) on 12/29/24, where they took on the Hamas terrorists in the Kamal Adwan hospital and the Al-Wafaa hospital both of which are in Gaza City in northern Gaza.  In the Kamal Adwan Hospital operation over 240 terrorists were arrested and it is the third time the IDF has performed an operation in that hospital.

The first article by Seth J. Frantzman on the Kamal Adwan Hospital operation seems to take a more pessimistic position that the fight is never ending and that these losses of soldiers are negligible for Hamas and they will easily reconstitute themselves almost immediately after the IDF leaves.  Seth makes the point that the IDF needs to find a way to prevent Hamas from rebuilding.  This is not a "Israel may as well give up" article, but merely states that the IDF needs to alter or enhance its strategies against Hamas.  Seth also exposes the obvious flaws in Hamas fighting in that they always return to hospitals and the like which makes it easy to capture and eliminate them like flies.  It is a good article even if I share a more optimistic position at this time.

The second article by Yonah Jeremy Bob the position is more optimistic in stating that this latest operation is part of the mopping up of Hamas remaining forces and that Hamas is mostly gone.  Yonah says that this is all going according to plan as the IDF works to utterly destroy Hamas.

Either way, this latest operation is a step in the right direction and gives a small but valuable glimpse into the state of the Israel-Hamas war.

Last Updated: 12/30/24

TAGS: israel
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