Cathy MillerDepartment Of Fair Employment And Housing V. Cathy’s Creations, Inc.
08/26/17 Two women enter Cathy Miller's Cakeshop and request a wedding cake for a same-sex wedding. Cathy declines as it is against her religion. She offers the couple any other items in her shop. ref
10/18/17 The same sex couple files a complaint with the California Department of Fair Employment and Housing (DFEH). ref
12/13/17 DFEH files for a temporary restraining order against Cathy Miller to force her to create wedding cakes in violation of her religious beliefs. ref
02/05/18 Kern County Superior Court Judge David Lampe denies DFEH request for a restraining order against Cathy Miller. ref
??/??/18 DFEH files petition arguing that they have the right under California’s anti-discrimination law, Unruh Civil Rights Act, to continue their investigations into Cathy Miller, and her husband who is also an employee at her shop. ref
09/05/18 Miller's defense team, Freedom of Conscience Defense Fund, files a motion to enforce the court's original ruling. ref
06/22/20 Trial date scheduled by Superior Court Judge David Lampe. ref