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Texas Border Wall as of January 2023

Posted: 1/30/23

Texas is at the forefront of states protecting its border from the invasion at our Southern Border with Mexico.  Florida is a close second.  Texas is the state to watch for innovations and determination to secure its border whether by declaring an invasion and activating the National Guard on 11/14/22, negotiating with the governors of Mexico in April 2022 for increased security to deter illegal migration ref or erecting 130 miles of border barrier (72 miles of eight foot tall fencing with razor wire plus 58 miles of concertina wire).

Texas Border Wall Projects

  1. Starr County: 1.7 miles of Trump style 30 foot tall steel wall completed: July 2022 ref
  2. Cameron County: Los Indios, alt:  1/3 mile ref
  3. Location unknown: 9.4 miles to be built by Fisher Sand and Gravel ref
  4. Starr County: 7 miles Contract Pending
  5. Val Verde County: 7 miles. Located near Del Rio Contract Pending
  6. Webb and Zapata counties: 6.6 miles by Texas based Sullivan Land Services Company (SLSCO), of Galveston.  This is the fifth and most recent contract to be awarded. ref

Most of the Texas border is on private property and must be negotiated for a piece at a time. ref

These contracts total 31.7 miles of Trump border wall of which 1.7 has been completed in July 2022 in Starr County.  Construction is expected to ramp up for 2023.

Additional contracts cannot be finalized until the Texas Legislature approves more funding and it is expected to do so. ref

See also:

Last Updated: 5/8/23

TAGS: border wall, texas
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