Opinion: Prop.8's twisted path to the Supreme Court
Posted: 2/28/13
It is curious how this has been orchestrated to get such an impossible (dysfunctional) ruling to make it this far. (See the
prop.8 timeline for a short list of the significant dates in this case) A book could easily be written about this and probably will be soon.
Judge Vaughn Walker was hand picked early on to be the district judge of choice to overturn this case. The judge then skews the court proceedings overtly in favor of the petitioners by throwing out a great deal of key evidence of the defenders of Prop.8. The judge did not recuse himself from the case despite hiding the fact that he was in a same sex relationship until shortly after he ruled on this case. Vaughn Walker then flaunts the rulings against him that the video tapes of the trial be kept hidden or not open to the public. Judge Vaughn Walker's ruling was quite ludicrous, insane, and embarrassing
ref. It does make for an entertaining read though.
What is even weirder than that whole trial was that it was upheld by the Ninth Circuit. Here, a three judge panel was "randomly" selected and Reinhardt was among the three. Reinhardt is the most overturned judge in U.S. history. He refused to recuse himself despite being married to the Executive Director of the ACLU, which alone should be reason enough to recuse himself from nearly all court cases as should be obvious to anyone. In this case she was instrumental in ending "marriage discrimination" in the state of California and specifically in this case. Some cases are debatable in whether the judge should recuse himself. In this case to think otherwise is just madness. Actually, it is bald faced lying, but to think that no one else would notice is just nuts. It is interesting that so many very highly placed judges care almost nothing for rational thinking. For another example of this see
this case.
The case was then upheld by the Ninth Circuit en banc, but there was a bit of sanity heard from the dissenting opinion. Because of that the ruling was only slightly less weird than when the three judge panel of the Ninth Circuit ruled on the appeal. It was a little more scary weird though, because so many judges thought Vaughn Walker's ruling was in any way valid.
It is now before the Supreme Court as everyone on all sides assumed it would be, but there was and is no guarantee that the Supreme Court will rule on it.
No matter the ultimate ruling it should be understood that God is ultimately in charge. Christians should not place their faith in national leaders, but in God alone. If the state marriage amendments are overturned by this court then it will interesting to see at what point the homosexual agenda as it is currently organized (and it is very well organized) self destructs, as it can't help but do so, and how its destruction comes about. I find it fascinating all the ways that homosexuality is so dysfunctional and the high degree that to which it is so that I suspect the collapse if allowed to run its natural course will occur much quicker than the average. I still don't know enough to hazard a guess as to how long that will take.
Sadly, I feel I must add that I have no hatred for people that are same sex attracted. I have always found homosexuality to be a very fascinating and vast area of study. I am also a Christian with and Orthodox Presbyterian understanding of doctrine, so I firmly understand homosexuality to be a sin. Sin is sin in the eyes of God whether it be homosexuality or coveting or worshiping idols and the Christian who encounters such desires within himself should repent and struggle to rid himself of it.
See this
I really hope that the matter of the Vaughn Walker videotapes and some of the insanity seen in previous rulings is directly addressed by the Supreme Court this term. Ideally I would like to see the ProtectMarriage.com group win. I find their position to be very rational and reasonable.
Last Updated: 1/20/15
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