Missouri state university disbands social work department
Posted: 6/20/13
Currently there is a bit of hot news about a college professor requiring students to support homosexuality outside of the classroom and report back of the discrimination they faced or else not get course credit.
As a point of interest it might be good to remember a similar case in 2006 when a Missouri State University student, Emily Brooker, was forced to write a letter to her congressman in support of homosexual adoption. When the student asked to not do the assignment she was reprimanded, sanctioned, and was at risk of having her degree withheld. ADF intervened on her behalf and the university quickly reversed the official grievances against her and launched an independent investigation into the University's Social Work department. The report came back with a scathing review and as a result the University in early 2008 fired 4 nontenured professors and relocated 4 that were tenured effectively closing down the department and hiring all new staff.
mp3Last Updated: 6/20/13
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