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Gender Identity Disorder

Posted: 10/10/13

There has been an increase in news articles recently of parents raising their boys as girls and vice versa.  There has also been an increase of news stories of parents allowing for gender reassignment surgery for their children.  

Long before this became as popular as it is today I am reminded of the case of a boy named David Reimer who, under the advisement of John Money, had gender reassignment surgery as an infant, was raised as a girl and had extensive role therapy to reinforce the perception that he was a girl.  Long story short, the surgery and therapy didn't take.  He played as a boy and knew he was a boy.  He hated therapy and in his early teens refused to be a girl.

The theory at the time was that gender identity is learned, not something we are born with.  The application is that a person can switch genders at will.  This case proves that at least to a significant degree this is false.  Currently the theory that must be accepted (or else!) is that we are the gender identity we are born with and identify as.  This is just as false because the facts never supported this.

The question here is at what age can a person reasonably decide that they are a member of the opposite sex and have surgery to reinforce that notion?  How about age four?  I am, of course, against this at any age.  We are the gender we were born as.

How does this relate to homosexuality?  The line of thinking is that we are the gender identity we were born with and that may be different from the gender we are.  

The truth is gender identity is something we are born with, but through learning we can pervert it to just about anything.  Current gender identity cannot be perverted into something else against the person's will as was the case with David Reimer.

As gender reassignment of children becomes more accepted more facilities are becoming available here in the U.S. that perform this operation. link


For a more hopeful story of someone who reclaimed his masculinity after a sex change operation you can learn about Walt Heyer at Sex Change Regret. Walt Heyer at Daily Signal

Last Updated: 5/16/16

TAGS: opinion, transgender
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