Texas Completes 1.7 Mile Border Wall
Posted: 7/16/22
On Tuesday 7/12/22, Texas Facilities Commission (TFC) Executive Director, Mike Novak reported that the 1.7 mile border wall on state owned land in Starr County has been completed.
The border wall is of the same design as president Trump's border wall, which is a bollard design that is 18 to 30 feet tall with a steel plate at the top and several feet below ground. The beams are 6 inches wide with 4 inches between each beam. There are several detection methods to alert law enforcement of attempts to bypass the wall.
The next steps involve securing land on privately owned land which involves approximately 150 land owners. This is a lengthy process involving about 10 legal steps before the land can be secured. Legal footwork has been underway during the construction of the 1.7 miles of border wall. Construction won't begin until at least 2 miles have been secured.
See Texas Border Wall 2021 – 2022Last Updated: 8/27/22
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