Voter Integrity Improves Significantly since 2021
Posted: 12/11/23
In Hans von Spakovsky's article
Election Integrity 2022 in Review: More Improvements Than Damage he shows how across the nation voter integrity has mostly improved; although there were a few states such as Maryland, Rhode Island, and Wyoming that weakened their voter integrity laws.
Quick stats:
- The states that improved voter integrity laws brought the score up by 50 and the states that decided to weaken voter integrity laws brought the score down by 5 leaving a net improvement of +45.
- National Score: 3,005/5,100
- Highest Score: Tennessee 84/100
- Lowest score: Hawaii 26/100
- Iowa: 70/100
- Illinois: 49/100
This illustrates that conservatives often do better than they think they are doing. It is believed that many, if not all of the recently enacted voter integrity laws were made as a result of the 2020 election that many believe was stolen and Dinesh D'Souza in his documentary
2000 Mules proved beyond a shadow of a doubt that it was stolen from Donald Trump.
Update 3/23/23: The Heritage Election Scorecard was recently updated with
Ohio making a huge leap of 10 points in its score to
news ref In 2000 Mules there were 5 swing states discussed Michigan, Wisconsin, Georgia, Arizona, and Pennsylvania. As of today, Pennsylvania, Arizona, and Wisconsin have all gone up slightly in their voter integrity scores since 2021.
Update 5/31/23: The Heritage Election Scorecard was updated. The score is now + 76/ -6 with a net improvement of
+70 since 2021.
Update 7/24/23: The score is now + 84/ -10 with a net improvement of
+74 since 2021. Sadly, Minnesota recently lowered their voter integrity standing.
Update 8/4/23: The score is now + 104/ -10 with a net improvement of
+94 since 2021. Nebraska had a huge leap in voter integrity as a new amendment to their state constitution was implemented to require in person photo ID at elections and mail in ballots.
Update 12/11/23: The score is now + 134/ -10 with a net improvement of
+124 since 2021.
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Last Updated: 3/12/24
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