Colorado Court of Appeals Rules Against Jack Phillips
Posted: 1/28/23
01/26/23: Colorado Court of Appeals
rules Jack Phillips discriminated against Autumn Scardina.
ref This decision was made by Justices Dunn, Schutz, and Grove. ADF says they will appeal.
The last time this case was heard before the Colorado Court of Appeals was on 07/07/15 and it took the court just over a month to issue a ruling. The Decision was authored by justices Taubman, Loeb, and Berger. The case was finally resolved by the U.S. Supreme Court nearly 3 years later. This time it took nearly 4 months for the Colorado Court of Appeals to issue a ruling.
Update 3/5/23: It should be noted that a sister case,
303 Creative vs. Elenis, was recently heard before the U.S. Supreme Court with a ruling expected later this June '23. Elenis is the Director of the Colorado Civil Rights Division and was also involved with litigation against Jack Phillips in Masterpiece Cakeshop.
See also: Hot cases to watch part 3Last Updated: 3/5/23
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